Zone 1
Skin inflammation on the lower body or backside can be brought about by clothing that isn't breathable, or some kind of issue with your eating routine. Have a go at getting breathable clothing first and in the event that this doesn't clear it up you may need to find a way to change your eating regimen.
Zone 2
Hormones and organs impact this territory. On the off chance that you see skin inflammation on your jaw or neck could demonstrate over dynamic adrenal organs, or hello sugar consumption.
Zone 3
Anxiety would be the reason for skin break out here around the shoulders.
Zone 4

Skin inflammation on this zone demonstrates some kind of digestive issue. Potentially drinking an excessive number of frosty refreshments could likewise impact this range.
Zone 5
Skin break out on this range of the elbows could mean keratosis polaris brought about by an over generation of dead cells or poor course. This can be brought on by wasteful utilization of body vitamin.
Zone 6
Skin break out in zone 7 around the paunch shows an issue with glucose levels.
Zone 7
Zones 11 and 12 are the most well-known zones for skin inflammation. You may have heard it called bacne. Be that as it may, skin break out here is commonly brought about by apprehensive and digestive framework breakdown so it is a wide range. See a dermatologist about this sort of skin break out.